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7 Key Mobile Trends and Tips for 2017

7 Key Mobile Trends and Tips for 2017

6 min read  |  by Epom

Smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives. New types of devices and technologies are introduced each year and they're really changing the game for e-commerce. We've compiled a list of 7 most important mobile marketing tips to stay ahead of the competition in 2017. But first, let's take a look at some interesting stats.

Key Trends in Mobile (Facts and Figures)

  • The overall number of mobile users is expected to reach nearly 5 billion in 2017 (Statista)
  • The number of app downloads will reach 268 million. Those downloads will total in $77 billion in business revenue (Statista)
  • Apple and Samsung are the most popular mobile device vendors. The former has the largest market share in Japan, Australia, USA, Canada and the UK, while the latter is more frequently used in South Africa, Egypt, Italy, Spain and Germany (DeviceAtlas)
  • Mobile commerce is growing faster than retail. Over 60% of time spent on e-commerce websites now comes from mobile devices (eMarketer)
  • Even small businesses are joining the trend. It's predicted that 50% of SMBs will be looking to create and app in the upcoming year (Smallbiztrends)
  • 82% of shoppers consult their phones when shopping offline (DeviceAtlas)
  • 2/3 of people check their phones for updates within 15 minutes after they wake up (Google)
  • On average people spend nearly 3 hours browsing their smartphones and are checking them around 150 times daily (Google)
Here's how you can utilize these stats to the advantage of your business.

Key Tips for Beating Your Mobile Competition

  • The basics: responsive website or mobile app. This one has been an entry on nearly every list of e-commerce tips and trends in the past few years. Having a responsive website that provides a seamless browsing experience for mobile users is a must. Google has previously announced that mobile-friendly websites would get higher rankings in the search engine and lower CPCs. Another way of providing a better user experience in the mobile era is designing an app. Although the figures presented above do indicate that even SMBs are set to enter the market, apps are still a rather expensive alternative not every business can afford. Moreover, few companies, especially local ones, actually need apps.
  • Voice search. We all know Siri and Cortana, but what you probably don't know is that the amount of voice search queries is growing each year and it's set to change the way we browse the web. Yahoo's mobile search study revealed voice searches to be more focused on audio, visual content and topics that require less interaction with the touch screen. Additionally, they were found to be longer, and richer. So how exactly can you take advantage of that? Write in rich language that sounds natural to boost your content quality.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality. Some might consider those geeky or even creepy, but adding an extra layer of reality to online stores has recently become a trend among retailers. With the introduction of VR technologies the opportunities of growing within this industry are endless. It's especially essential to the businesses catering to millennials.
  • Machine learning and big data. New technologies allow gathering and analyzing huge amounts of data to detect and predict patterns in user behavior online. They provide a valuable source of information for marketing automation.
  • Machine learning provides endless possibilities for Personalization. A study by DMNews revealed that 53% of clients feel that retailers need to recognize them across devices and channels. Moreover, 78% of customers have no problem with retailers gathering information on their in-store purchases to provide a better browsing experience. So it's time you give your visitors what they crave for - a personalized, omnichannel experience.
  • Go Hyperlocal. Google's study revealed that as many as 76% of people who had searched for a local business ended up visiting it within a day with nearly 30% of searches resulting in an actual purchase. The overall volume of "near me" searches increased at a 147% rate annually. And those figures can't be ignored if you work locally.
  • App Monetization. Designing an app is one thing, but making good use of it and earning - is another story. Many companies are struggling to convert their traffic into revenue and mobiles are lagging behind in monetization strategies. It's worth mentioning that as many as 72% of consumers expect an ad to be shown to them while browsing an app to gain free content in exchange for an ad view. And that's a crucial figure, as it indicates that the potential of mobile advertising is still vast.

If you're looking to monetize your app with top-performing ad formats - join Epom Apps - a platform which generates over 1B impressions daily for 950+ DSPs and 200+ App developers.

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